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Matthew Sivaprakasam

Master's Student in Robotics, CMU

Hi, I am a Master’s student in Robotics at Carnegie Mellon University, advised by Dr. Sebastian Scherer. Previously, I was a Computer and Biomedical Engineering student at the University of Pittsburgh.

I’m particularly interested in the applications of robotics in improving quality of life through fields such as autonomous vehicles, aerial robotics, and assistive robotics. Currently I am performing research in autonomous off-road driving, with a focus on self-supervised learning approaches that can adapt to unseen environments online and in real-time.

While it’s not the focus of my research, I am also passionate about the relevance of artistic and biological concepts in robot development. Currently, I hope to contribute to the field by working in motion planning and perception-related positions, but I also try to keep up with the state-of-the-art in computer vision, audio processing, and brain-computer interfaces.

As a pianist, violinist, and (recently) guitarist, I’ve enjoyed music for as long as I can remember. At Pitt, I have performed in the symphony orchestra and played in the pit for various musicals. In my free time, I enjoy listening to music, playing tennis and table tennis, and drinking herbal tea.